2 Creative Fruit Art Children love to play with colors and art. You can make their favorite cartoon character with fruits they will like to eat and enjoy them. Make funny faces and work together with your children to help them choose the colors and shapes that they want. It is fun to take pictures of this art and share them with your children's friends. Here are a few examples of it. Use grapes to make Balloon bouquet ideas on a nice plate. Use some melted chocolate on fruit to shape them like zebra, penguins, lions, etc. Use blackberries and strawberries to draw animal eyes, feet, and noses. Use Fruits In Baking You can use different fruits and dry fruits in baking recipes. Baking with fruits can develop fruit habits in children by enhancing their interest in the recipes they bake.
This is the essence of media literacy. Journalists think differently. They are skeptical but not cynical. They give people the benefit of the doubt and try to decipher what people mean when they say something. Journalists stay mentally prepared to be surprised at all times. They think fast and distill complicated, tedious information into the gist of what people need or might want to know. Ultimately, journalists search for truth and inspiration to make the world a better place, said News Decoder correspondent Katharine Lake Berz. Berz was a management consultant when she took a Fellowship in Global Journalism at the University of Toronto.
She was a consultant at McKinney & Company for 10 years and has since advised a number of nonprofit organizations. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and a Master of Philosophy in International Relations from Cambridge University. “Journalism has helped me analyse issues from multiple standpoints,” Benz said. “As a management consultant we are hired to come up with the ‘right answer’. As a journalist we learn that that there are no ‘right answers’ but rich and different perspectives.” Every person a journalist meets, every problem they encounter is the beginning of a compelling story worth telling the world through an article, a video, a photo or a podcast.
It can be difficult to tell the difference between fact and opinion. And some things we consider true may not be true to all people.
Truth isn’t fact. That’s a difficult concept to understand. It is a fact that 2+1 = 3. It is my opinion that if you bring one extra person on a two-person date, three people will feel like a crowd. It seems like a paradox, but truth can be disputed. For some people it is true that three’s a crowd. For others the more, the merrier. But News Decoder also publishes stories that are more opinion-based than fact-based. That’s because sometimes the fact about something is already well-known Russia invaded Ukraine, the climate is changing but all kinds of things can happen in the future and we want to know someone’s thoughts on that. Or an issue, like the benefits vs. dangers of social media, are so complicated, that people disagree about it and it is useful to get the thoughts of someone knowledgeable about the issue. Sometimes we can learn important lessons from other people’s experiences.