It can be difficult to tell the difference between fact and opinion. And some things we consider true may not be true to all people.

Truth isn’t fact. That’s a difficult concept to understand. It is a fact that 2+1 = 3. It is my opinion that if you bring one extra person on a two-person date, three people will feel like a crowd. It seems like a paradox, but truth can be disputed. For some people it is true that three’s a crowd. For others the more, the merrier. But News Decoder also publishes stories that are more opinion-based than fact-based. That’s because sometimes the fact about something is already well-known Russia invaded Ukraine, the climate is changing but all kinds of things can happen in the future and we want to know someone’s thoughts on that. Or an issue, like the benefits vs. dangers of social media, are so complicated, that people disagree about it and it is useful to get the thoughts of someone knowledgeable about the issue. Sometimes we can learn important lessons from other people’s experiences.
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